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Highrise City

Released 24th March 2022, prices start at $17.99 USD (up to 40% off).

About Highrise City

Highrise City offers a new spin on City Simulations & Tycoon games expanding the economy and resource management aspect. Experience a modern take on the genre enriched with a complex resource based economy system.
ABOUT THE TEAM & GAME Obviously, you as a player will compare Highrise City with other games. If you are comparing the game with other city builders, keep in mind that the focus of Highrise City are the production chains - the results of these will lead to an ever growing city. The game is more than a traditional city builder and has a strong influence of economy simulations. It was developed by a small team as a passion project during the last 8 years while 7 years the game was a one man project. LET'S GROW A CITY! Highrise City offers a new spin on City Simulations & Tycoon games expanding the economy and resource management aspect. Experience a modern take on the genre enriched with a complex resource based economy system. Highrise City combines two genres in new and interesting ways: City Builders and traditional Economy & Resource Management Simulations. Highrise City offers you challenging gameplay and gives you all the possibilities and tools you need to create a living and breathing city. Take care of your city and make it grow and flourish into a giant Metropolis! PLAN YOUR MEGACITY In Highrise City you do not only build a city, you also actively manage it by handling the economical supply for it. Organize and build supply chains in an efficient way and make sure your economy is well balanced to guarantee a steady growth. By doing so you will be able to create true megacities. FEATURES
  • More than one million inhabitants per city

  • 5 different population classes

  • More than 250 base buildings

  • 50 different resources

  • More than 30.000 buildings per city

  • More than 5.000 cars and vehicles per scene (and more than 20.000 per city simulated)

  • More than 20.000 people per scene (and more than 1 million per city simulated)

  • 196 sq km possible playground per map

  • Adjustable difficulty levels for beginners and advanced players

  • Improve the city with laws and technology researches

  • Resource trading to balance your economy

  • Building Editor

ENJOY YOUR WORK Once you managed to create a prosperous and growing city, time has come for fine-tuning and further growth. But in the meantime, you should also take a break and just enjoy what you have created. Watch the people filling the streets and minding their business. In Highrise City you can see thousands and thousands of people and cars in the same scene filling your city with life. Micro animations hidden everywhere will brighten up your day and create the feeling of a miniature world. MOD SUPPORT AND STEAM WORKSHOP INTEGRATION You want to implement your own buildings? Your own skyscrapers? Change the whole balancing, include your own types of streets? That's what we are aiming for with Highrise City as well. The integrated building editor allows you to easily develop and implement an individual look for your custom city. Sharing your creativity with the community via Steam Workshop will also be a given.

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Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (9)

These are a list of genres and tags that we applied to this game.

Game Features (3)

These are a list of features that we applied to this game.

Game Developer (1)

Developed by Fourexo Entertainment.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by Deck13.


Here are the recommended system requirements for Highrise City. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Operating System (OS):Windows
Storage (Size):30GB available space
Memory (RAM):32GB RAM
Processor (CPU):Ryzen 9 3900X @ 3800MHz
Graphics Card (GPU):GeForce GTX 1080 Ti / Radeon RX 5700 XT
DirectX Version:Version 11


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What are the age ratings for this game (for parents)?

We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Highrise City is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

Highrise City was released:

24th March 2022

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Highrise City, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


Where and how can I buy/download/try this game?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers and get this game on all major platforms including PC, console, VR/AR, mobile/tablet and cloud gaming services. A demo/trial of this game might be available, which will allow you to try a limited version before you buy.

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What are reviews for this video game like?

You can read user reviews and critic scores for this video game by clicking the "Audience Reviews" tab at the top of the page, this will show you an overview of reviews on platforms like Steam, GOG and OpenCritic.

Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Highrise City is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Highrise City - Game Background
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Quick Links For Highrise City

Here are some useful links & game resources.

Name:Highrise City
Release Date:24th March 2022 (24/03/2022)
Current Price:$17.99 to $29.99 (Compare Prices)
Official Website:highrisecitygame.com
Official Discord:discord.gg/5gGGEvvdFn
Developer:Fourexo Entertainment

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