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Among the Trolls

Release TBA (To Be Announced), this game is unavailable.

About Among the Trolls

Among the Trolls is a first-person, survival, action-adventure game where the strange mysteries of Finnish forests are unraveled. Embark on a quest to find your vanished grandparents and learn how to survive in the wilderness.
Description Image Among the Trolls is a first-person, survival, action-adventure game where the strange mysteries of Finnish forests are unraveled. You play as either Alex or Anna, who travelled from the U.S. to Finland to visit their grandparents, living in an isolated cabin located among the towering trees. When you find that the cabin has been abandoned and your grandparents have vanished, you are pulled into a world of Nordic mythology and memories of childhood summers spent with your loved ones. Embark on a quest to find your missing grandparents and learn how to survive in the wilderness, dealing with the supernatural creatures of Finnish mythology and the animistic nature of the world. Follow in your grandfather’s footsteps and discover the rune-singer within. Break free from society and get lost in the woods — among the trolls. FINNISH FOLKLORE Experience and explore a vast world, full of Finnish folklore, myth, and ancient shamanistic magic. Description Image FIND YOUR ROOTS Start an empowering adventure as you unearth your past and be prepared to discover more about the mysterious disappearance of your grandparents. SURVIVAL Build, settle, and survive in the idyllic but sometimes unforgiving, Finnish backcountry, using your skills to discover the secrets of your ancestors. Description Image AUDIOVISUAL EXPERIENCE Enter a beautifully crafted 3D world, combining nostalgia, strangeness, as well as modern and ancient instrumentation, merged with the authentic sounds of Nordic nature that will make you want to stay forever among the trolls. MAGICAL ATTRIBUTES Gain Sisu (Grit), Väki (Magic) and Lykky (Luck), which are key to survival among the trolls. Learn how these ancient traits affect and intertwine with other character attributes and with the surrounding environment, the player’s actions, natural resources, and natural and supernatural creatures. Description Image

Game Age Ratings (For Parents)

Feel free to search for this game via ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB.
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We couldn't find any ratings for this game.

Game Genres & Tags (8)

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Game Features (3)

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by Forbidden Studios.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by 505 Games.


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Here are the recommended system requirements for Among the Trolls. Please note that download sizes, operating systems and other requirements vary depending on platform. We advise looking at the requirements before buying from a retailer on their website.

Storage (Size):30GB
Memory (RAM):16GB RAM
Processor (CPU):Intel i5 8400 @ 2.80GHz Q4 2017
Graphics Card (GPU):GeForce RTX 3060, 8 GB VRAM
DirectX Version:Version 11


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We haven't got any age ratings on file for this game, you will need to search for the age rating on any of the following websites: ESRB, PEGI, USK, CERO and ACB. Please note that age ratings are different in each region - for example ESRB is used in the United States.

Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Currently, this game is not available on any platforms - please check back at a later date and there may be some available!

When is this video game releasing?

Among the Trolls is releasing:

TBA (To Be Announced)

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may be releasing earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There are 2 companies which have created Among the Trolls, here is a full list of credited developers and publishers:


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Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Among the Trolls is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Name:Among the Trolls
Release Date:TBA (To Be Announced)
Current Price:Unavailable (Compare Prices)
Developer:Forbidden Studios
Publisher:505 Games

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