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Xbox 360

Released 22nd November 2005, this console is unavailable.

About Xbox 360

The new Xbox 360 Console. Here today, ready for tomorrow with a brand new, leaner machine. Wi-Fi is built-in for easier connection to the world of entertainment on Xbox LIVE, where HD movies and TV stream in an instant. It’s ready for the controller-free experiences of Kinect – you don’t just play the game, you are the game. Xbox 360 is more games, entertainment and fun.


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When was this product released?

Xbox 360 was released:

22nd November 2005

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions.

Where and how can I buy this product?

You can view all available product offers under the "Buy (Compare Prices)" tab at the top of the page. Use the filters to narrow down the results and grab the right offer for you, choose from 90+ approved retailers.

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Is this product part of a series/family?

Yes, it most certainly is! Xbox 360 is part of the following product family:

  • Xbox

How do I report out-of-date/incorrect details or submit edits?

If you would like to report out-of-date or incorrect information about a product (including price data/offers) please contact us and we will investigate further. For any page edit requests please also get in touch and we will get our team to update accordingly.


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Buy Xbox 360

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Product image thumbnail of Xbox 360
Product image thumbnail of Xbox 360

Name:Xbox 360
Release Date:22nd November 2005 (22/11/2005)
Current Price:Unavailable (Compare Prices)
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