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Dead Matter

Released 16th September 2023, prices start at $19.99 USD.

About Dead Matter

After a rampant viral outbreak causes global society to collapse, you must survive the harsh wilderness of the Canadian Rockies amidst vast hordes of Infected and rival survivors.
WHEN THE DEAD ROAM THE EARTH... The year is 2025. A mysterious virus, which turns its victims into ravenous inhuman husks, plunges the world into total chaos. Several weeks have passed since the infected have overrun the province of Alberta. Canadian federal agency NERA's evacuation attempts failed, leaving you and countless other survivors trapped in the Kananaskis area, now overrun with tens of thousands of infected pouring over from the cities. Your supplies are running low, and you’re not the only one starving and desperate. Who will you be, now that nothing is left? WHAT IS DEAD MATTER? Dead Matter is an open-world, multiplayer zombie survival game project in Early Access. We are a small but passionate team that believes in working closely with our community to refine and improve our game. As part of this collaborative approach, we offer access to a Nightly testing branch where all of Dead Matter's latest changes and newest content can be experienced before stable patches roll out. Patches and updates developed through feedback from the Nightly testing branch are integrated into Dead Matter's Release branch. This process ensures that Dead Matter will continue to evolve with our community's direct input. CURRENT FEATURES Description Image Description Image The world of Dead Matter takes place in the province of Alberta. You will explore the rolling plains of the Kananaskis valley, nestled in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. As our map continues to expand, the valley will have a diverse number of natural wonders for you to discover, as well as the towns of Canmore and Banff. Description Image Description Image Running into the Infected can be a death sentence. Although by themselves they may not pose much of a threat, their strength comes in numbers, and you will easily find yourself overwhelmed if you’re not careful. Description Image Fire your gun at your own risk: loud noises will draw the attention of the ever-present horde. Melee weapons will leave you completely outnumbered if you plan to take on more than a few infected. Plan accordingly. Description Image The Infected aren’t the only threats you’ll have to contend with, though. You will have to manage your supplies to keep fed and hydrated, heal yourself when injured, and disinfect your wounds. Description Image Description Image Description Image In the wake of total societal collapse, you will have to rely on your own resourcefulness. Craft bandages in the field with scraps of cotton, or improve a baseball bat by studding it with leftover nails. Description Image Description Image The residents of the survivor settlement Dominion will offer you dangerous mercenary work in exchange for monetary reward or valuable gear. As the quest system expands and improves during Early Access, you may even be able to take part in their stories, should you gain their trust. PLANNED FEATURES
  • Season Cycle with harsher weather conditions, including an expanded temperature system - you will need to keep yourself warm and dry to survive the intense Alberta winters

  • Improved Base Building and Fortification

  • Farming system - will interact with the season cycle system

  • Improved vehicles - vehicle damage, vehicle armour, vehicle repair

  • Hostile survivor AI

  • "Special" Infected - Infected that are more difficult to kill thanks to the equipment they were wearing before they turned

  • Radio broadcast system - for player-run radio stations and NPC-run radio stations

  • Voiced NPCs

  • Aircraft and Train vehicles

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Game Developer (1)

Developed by QI Software.

Game Publisher (1)

Published by QI Software.


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Which platforms can I play/activate this game on?

Dead Matter is currently available on the following platforms:

  • PC

When was this video game released?

Dead Matter was released:

16th September 2023

Please note: This is the worldwide release date, it may have released earlier in specific regions or for people with access to special editions of the game.

Who are the companies behind this video game?

There is 1 company that has created Dead Matter:


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Is this video game part of a series/franchise?

Unfortunately, Dead Matter is not part of a game franchise. It appears this game is a standalone title, but it may be a spirutual successor to another game, or a prequel/sequel might be on the way in the future. Keep an eye out if you're a fan of this game!

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Name:Dead Matter
Release Date:16th September 2023 (16/09/2023)
Current Price:$19.99 to $20.78 (Compare Prices)
Developer:QI Software
Publisher:QI Software

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